by Juliet Cohen
Hair removal by laser beam, all very science fiction sounding, but the principle is very simple. Lasers are devices that are able to harness the energy from light beams and redirect them so that they produce very specific wavelengths which are selected to treat particular conditions in the skin surface or underlying dermis. Laser is already well known in the world of esthetics because its effect concerning the scars left, which are almost invisible. Lasers can be used to remove tattoos and excess hair growth and a new generation of lasers and IPLs have been developed to improve skin texture and tone as well as reducing the appearance of thread veins and pigmentation marks. Fraxel Laser Treatment is a revolutionary way to reverse the signs of aging.
Laser hair and vein removal for all skin colours, including sun-tanned skin. As laser treatment targets anagen hair, you should not wax, bleach or tweeze for six weeks before a laser treatment and do not use any other hair removal creams. Cellulite laser treatment can be combined successfully with body massage, diet and exercise. This complex of cellulite treatment must take into account the age of the patient and her health condition. After cellulite laser treatment your skin will become smooth again, irrespective if it belongs to your face or to other part of your body. Many side effects of Laser removal so avoid fly-by-night clinics, or clinics not attached to certified medical facilities. Laser Hair Removal works by selectively concentrating light energy in the hair follicle.
Temporary hair removal is accomplished with conventional treatments such as shaving, waxing and epilation. Another laser treatment isc acne scar. Acne scar treatment options which fall into microdermabrasion, photorejuvenation, scar revision and laser skin resurfacing. Acne scar treatment option improves overall skin tone and lustre and appears to help superficial mild acne scars. It uses very fine aluminum crystals to create a micro dermabrasion effect on the skin. Although the face is the most common area, other sun damaged areas such as the neck, chest, arms and hands may be treated. Laser skin resurfacing technique uses a comb. This ination of laser carbon dioxide (CO2), and/or Erbium:YAG laser. The skin is removed layer by layer, which removes the uppermost portion of the scars.
About the Author
Juliet Cohen writes articles for beauty tips and beauty recipes. For more information visit our beauty blog with lots of beauty articles.
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by Juliet Cohen
Permanent hair removal is one way of removing unwanted hair. Many women have unwanted hair they want to remove, either by temporary hair removal measures or by permanent hair removal measures. Some hair removal options may need to be utilized several times to achieve desired results for the long term. Hair Removal techniques involve a variety of methods to temporarily or permanently remove unwanted body hair. There are some methods of temporary hair removal which can be performed at home.
Electrolysis removes hair permanently, so that it will never grow back. Laser hair removal also provides semi-permanent and long-lasting hair removal. Waxing, plucking and shaving unwanted hair are quick and cheap methods.
Many women have unwanted hair they want to remove, either by temporary hair removal measures or by permanent hair removal measures, like laser hair removal. Long term hair removal sounds appealing, but treatment is often ongoing and expensive, and the results aren't guaranteed. Facial hair might undergo laser facial hair removal. Whether it's temporary or permanent hair removal. Laser facial hair removal is quite popular as it provides long-lasting removal of unwanted facial hair. Removing hair from the upper lip by other means is often short-term or difficult to accomplish. Choosing a hair removal method can be difficult. It is often difficult to know the best method of hair removal to use.
Hair Removal Tips
1. Don't dry shave.
2. Always remember to keep clean.
3. Use a mirror, unless you don't mind looking a bit patchy.
4. Apply shaving gel and let it sit for at least four minutes.
5. Do not give up after the first try.
About the Author
Juliet Cohen writes articles for hair removal and hair care tips. She also writes articles on hairstyles tips.
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Are you interested in removal of face or body hair by laser? Hair
removal in Manhattan options is something quite abundantly available. You can find any number of places that will do waxing, threading, bleaching, electrolysis and places that do laser hair removal as well. Which option is right for you?
Laser hair removal in Manhattan can be found easily and is arguably the best option for permanent hair removal. There are clinics that cater to laser hair removal for the upper lip, the cheeks, the back, the bikini area and stomach.
Clinics work with women and with men and often provide other aesthetic services as well. Laser removal for hair can be considered expensive compared to other hair removal options but can be very effective and can be a permanent solution which is quite an attractive proposition to many.
If you are someone who spends a lot of time at the beach, laser hair removal for the bikini line is considered by many to be a great investment. Many women complain that they feel like their bikini line has a five o'clock shadow in no time when they use a razor. Do you feel like you have to shave five minutes before you head to the beach otherwise you are embarrassed by rapid re-growth? Waxing can last a little longer but is painful for you and expensive too, when you consider the frequency. Many women miss the bikini days and now wear boy short bathing suits only because of pesky bikini hair growth.
While you're getting your bikini line done, think about how often you hesitate to wear a tank top because you didn't get a chance to shave your underarms that day. It's downright gross to imagine lifting your arm and having someone see stubble. The horror!
Many people who have laser hair removal for one body part are so pleased with the results that they often go back for another body part soon after. Imagine never having to worry about hairy legs again? Many women joke that they don't bother to shave legs in the winter because a) no one sees their legs and b) the excess hair helps keep your legs warmer in the winter. That's the only downside of permanent hair removal for your legs; the lack of extra fuzz keeping your legs warm. Your significant other probably won't miss the cactus prickles under the covers though, right?
If you are a man considering hair removal by laser, don't be discouraged by those who joke about metrosexuals or vanity. Hair removal isn't just for vanity purposes. There's nothing wrong with wanting a more groomed and polished appearance. Many men have manicures and look at hair removal as part of their regular grooming. It can help you with your professional appearance and make your grooming regiment less time consuming, especially considering the fact that as you age, hair re-growth seems to be rapid and can seem almost out of control.
Whether you're a man or a woman and whether you need a little help with hair removal or a lot of help, you can find services for laser hair removal in Manhattan or just about anywhere else.
About the Author is a laser hair removal resource for New York and surrounding areas.
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By Natalie Williams
A closer look at laser treatments for the bikini line to understand the costs, risks and process.
Removing the hair on the bikini line is a drudgery for many women. Most hair removal methods do not permanently stop hair growth as they only cut off the hair. If you're fed up of never-ending shaving or waxing, you may want to consider permanently removing your bikini line hair with laser hair removal.
Laser hair removal for bikini line is a permanent hair removal solution that uses high energy lights to disable hair follicles from growing hair. In theory, no hair should appear on your bikini line ever again but what you will likely experience is reduced amount of hair and thickness of hair. Therefore, multiple treatments are required over a period of time to get the results you want.
The average cost of bikini hair removal treatments is between $350 to $500 per session, depending on where you decide to have the procedure done. The color of your skin, color of your hair and thickness of your hair will determine the number of treatments you need to completely remove all hair in your bikini line. Most people go through about 3 sessions before they can remove all hair from their bikini line.
One of the benefits of laser hair removal is that it is painless unlike waxing. You should be able to completely eradicate unwanted bikini line hair after a few sessions, or at least have less or thinner hair in the bikini line area. With repeated sessions, you should be free from the daily drudgery of removing unwanted hair in your bikini line.
Side effects are rare in laser hair removal treatments and they are usually temporary when they occur. Some people develop darker or lighter shades of skin in the area that was treated with laser. This usually occurs on people with dark skin tones. Another one of the possible side effects of laser hair removal of bikini line areas is burning but this can be averted if the doctor used the right amount of light with his tool. In order to reduce the possible chance of side effects, it is a good idea to find laser hair removal technicians who are experienced and reputable.
Check out Natalie's web site at to get more free pubic hair removal tips and reviews of the best pubic shaving tools in the market today.
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By Ronni Kolotkin
Electrolysis is a permanent hair removal system. It can take up to one year for hair to be completely removed.
It’s very normal to look for a quick fix for everything. Unfortunately, most things that are worthwhile in life take time and patience: including getting rid of your unwanted hair permanently.
Laser hair removal was very popular for a while because people were thought that by having one treatment their hair would be gone forever. Of course this wasn’t true. A large percentage of clients who come to my Fifth Avenue office in New York City for electrolysis have had many laser treatments and have ended up with more hair than they started with.
I have a client who sadly invested her whole inheritance to have her hair removed by a practitioner who promised permanent removal by laser. She had absolutely no results and swears that in the end she had more hair. Now she’s having electrolysis and experiencing great results and is so sorry that she didn’t invest in electrolysis to begin with.
How long will it take to get to that point? The problem with Electrolysis for some people is that it is a process and does take time to get to the point where the hair is gone forever. It is very important to understand that electrolysis is still the only permanent way to remove unwanted hair, but it does take time and patience We are very clear with people when they begin the process as to what to expect.
First of all, if you are removing hair on a large area of the body such as legs or underarms, you should try to have one or more hours of treatment per week. This way you will see steady progress. I have some clients who have been literally coming for years to work on the same project. What happens is every spring they come for a few treatments when the weather warms up and they begin to think about the beach. Then they go on vacation and we don’t see them again until the next spring. So gradually over many years, their hair lessens. What they should be doing is coming on a regular schedule, take a few weeks off for vacation and then resume. This way they can be finished within a reasonable time period and never see that hair again.
Another point well worth making is that once you begin having electrolysis on an area where you have been waxing, tweezing or threading you have to immediately stop pulling the hair out or the electrolysis will not work. Pulling hair out stimulates growth, but if you do not pull hair out during electrolysis, the hair will come in finer and finer until it stops growing altogether.
So let’s say you start having electrolysis on your chin. You’ve been tweezing that area on a regular basis. You invest 3 months of time and money on your treatments. Then, the hairs begin to come in finer. That is called re-growth. If at that point you begin pulling the hairs out again, they will return in 7 – 13 weeks as thick as they were to begin with. Eventually you will be right back where you started. You will have wasted your precious time and money. Please keep in mind
That it is always OK to cut the hair on the skin surface while having Electrolysis.
You just can’t pull it out!
If you’ve been pulling hairs from you face it will generally take about a year until you are hair free forever. For the first three months you will need treatments once a week. Then, after we have removed each hair one time you will begin to see a steady decline in the amount of hair and you will gradually be able to come less and less frequently untilyou are completely finished generally in one year’s time.
If you were to work on an area like bikini line, upper legs, lower legs or underarms and had a treatment once a week for one hour it will usually take from 8 months to one year to complete the project.
I always tell potential new clients not to begin this process unless you are really ready to commit to it. Otherwise there is a very good chance that you will be unsuccessful. Make sure you get a clear idea of the duration of treatments until conclusion from your electrologist and know what you are getting into. Then if you feel ready, do it! Electrolysis treatments will be the best money you every spent.
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By Ronni Kolotkin
Be hair free with electrolysis on your face!
Most people who come into my office to have electrolysis on their face have been pulling the hairs out in some manner or other, more and more frequently. Sometimes, someone will consider having Electrolysis for years, all the time their hair problem becoming worse and worse because of tweezing and/or waxing. They might think that the hairs are just coming back faster and faster, stronger and stronger. Unfortunately what’s actually happening is that the tweezing and waxing is stimulating growth.
So let’s say that you notice a couple of hairs on your chin and you think "What should I do?" You remember that you’ve heard that waxing the legs makes the hair come in finer, so it would make perfect sense to pull the hair out of you face and get the same result. Right? Unfortunately it’s wrong. When you pull the hairs out of your face, they get stronger and stronger. Then inevitably while you’re vigorously pulling a thicker hair out you will pull some of the fuzzy hairs along with it and then guess what happens? The fuzzy hairs start coming in thicker and thicker! Then you tweeze or wax those hairs and the problem continues to multiply.
When someone decides to call me and start the process of permanent hair removal they often are tweezing once or twice a day. Sometimes clients tweeze first thing in the morning and last thing at night and one client once told me she would wake up in the middle of the night and tweeze her chin in the dark while her husband slept next to her!
A common misconception is that every time you pull out a hair it’s the same one. This is unfortunately wrong. Any hair that you pull from your face will take 7 to 13 weeks to grow again. So, any hair you tweeze within a three month period is likely to be different hair. If you were to let your hair grow for three months and not tweeze, wax or thread, you might be very shocked by the amount of hair you’ve stimulated over a period of time.
When you begin to have Electrolysis, the Electrologist becomes the substitute for any pulling you’ve been doing. During the process it’s OK to cut, shave, bleach or use depilatory cream. But any pulling out of the hair has to stop or the electrolysis will never be permanent and you will only be wasting your time and money.
For the first three months of having the treatments, the Electrologist will be removing each hair one time only. Then at the end of a three month period you will then notice an improvement. That’s because the first hairs that were treated with Electrolysis are then beginning to re grow. You will then notice that they are coming in much softer and finer. If you need to come in every week for a half hour at the beginning of the process to be clear of hair, after three months you will need to come in every 10 days, then every 2 weeks, then every 3 weeks until after one year you should be hair free forever.
With electrolysis, you may need an occasional clean up for new hairs that may grow. Let’s say 15 minutes every six month or so. But if you never pull the hairs out again you will never have to worry about being a slave to the tweezer or wax again!
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By Ronni Kolotkin
There are many different methods to manage the pain associated with electrolysis (permanent hair removal).
You may be one of the many people living with unwanted hair that is afraid to have electrolysis treatment because you have heard it can be painful. It is certainly understandable that this could be a concern when considering this permanent option of hair removal, however; there are options for management of any pain that may be associated with electrolysis.
When I began practicing electrolysis in 1972, I wanted to know how to keep my clients comfortable during their treatment. I remember asking my dentist what he would recommend; he told me that ice is a great skin desensitizer. To this day, we use tons of ice at my Fifth Avenue electrolysis office in New York City. A plastic bag is filled with ice and placed on the area to be worked on and in a couple of minutes the area becomes quite numb.
Ice is usually used to numb more sensitive areas of the body or places where it’s necessary to use a higher amount of current. There are some places on the body, such as the breasts, that electrolysis is not as uncomfortable. The fatty tissue in the breasts absorbs the current and there is less pain. In women, we use ice for hair removal on bikini lines and underarms. In men, it is mostly used on shoulders and the back area.
It amazes me when I learn from my clients that they previously had Electrolysis on one of the painful areas without the benefit of ice. When I use ice on a client for the first time, they absolutely cannot believe the difference. It’s quite common for someone to actually fall asleep during their treatment. Imagine that!
There are other options available to numb the pain associated with electrolysis. We have a cream available called Emla. This prescription cream is actually used for some topical surgeries; any physician will give you a prescription for this. You can get it for a nominal fee if you have a prescription plan through your health insurance.
Emla works best when applied an hour before electrolysis treatment. If you put saran wrap on top of the cream, it helps to activate the numbing action, but be careful not to wrap the saran wrap too tightly. Do not to put it on the eyebrow area because if you rub the area and the cream touches your eye, it could be extremely irritating. Also, if you are having work on the face area it doesn’t make sense to walk around with saran wrap on your face. Just apply the cream to your skin one hour before treatment. It will be white at first but will quickly become translucent.
Another way to manage pain with electrolysis includes taking a few Advil or Tylenol an hour before treatment. Many people swear by this. Also, if you are female, you should know that you will be more sensitive when you are premenstrual and it is better to avoid making electrolysis appointments during that time.
It’s so great that we have so many options now for pain management and they really do work. When I meet a new electrolysis client and they seem frightened of pain, I always tell them not to worry. If you find it too uncomfortable, you don’t have to stay, but I have never had anyone get off of my table and walk out. The response at the end of electrolysis treatment usually is "That’s it?" Because the pain of electrolysis is manageable and it leads to permanent hair removal, looking forward to the reward of being hair free should far outweigh any fears of pain you may have!
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By Timothy Croy
The laser hair removal system is a brand new technology that has been pioneered by scientists, doctors, and other health professionals across the United States and around the world. This brand new way of removing unwanted hair is an incredible leap forward from painful and archaic procedures like plucking, waxing, and using various hair removal creams. While these techniques are fine for one or two hairs, they are completely ineffective for larger patches or stubborn hairs that simply will not go away. Interested?
If you want to learn how laser hair removal works, you’ve come to the right place.
When it comes to getting rid of hairs that you would rather not have in places you really don’t want them, there have been quite a few techniques developed throughout the decades. Some of them are effective for one or two hairs while others claim to remove many hairs at a time - but they all have major drawbacks. Most of these techniques, such as waxing, are highly painful. Others, like creams and shaving, only remove the hairs for a short period of time. It almost seemed like there was no real solution to hair problems until the laser hair removal system was perfected.
At it’s essence, the laser hair removal procedure uses a highly focused beam of light to eradicate the hair follicle and remove the hair at it’s root. Because the follicle and root are the two major culprits for returning hair growth, it is of the utmost importance that a hair removal treatment attack the hair at its source. Waxing and creams do this some of the time. The laser hair removal system does this each and every time - making it the most effective hair removal treatment in the world.
The laser hair removal procedure was developed by teams from around the globe, but there are a few locations in the United States that have become extremely well known for high quality laser hair removal treatments and professional service. A few of these cities include Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York - so you’re in luck if you live near any of those major metropolitan areas. Great doctors abound, so feel free to take your pick.
However, despite the multitude of doctors and other professionals in cities like Chicago, the price of the laser hair removal procedure can be high. Often ranging from three hundred to five hundred dollars. But if you want to get a good deal, be sure to be on the lookout for specials and other discounts that some of the big name laser hair removal centers offer throughout the year. You can usually save at least a hundred dollars by being a savvy consumer.
So what are you waiting for? Now is the best time it has ever been for those of you looking to remove bothersome hair from anywhere on your body. The laser hair removal system is quick, painless, and highly effective - and well worth your hard earned money. If you have hairs that you want removed, and you live in a hair removal epicenter like Chicago, Los Angeles, or New York, you should take this time to schedule a free consultation with a local laser hair removal professional.
Laser systems such as the biolese laser hair removal system are your step towards a complete hair management regime.
To find out more about laser hair removal and prices please visit: Laser Hair Removal 101
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Laser hair removal in New York City is gaining
extremepopularity. This is primarily because New York City is aninternational fashion center, the business and financialcapital of the US and the cosmopolitan city that is thehome to the rich and famous of the world. It is no wonder that the residents of the city want to be'bold and beautiful'. Laser hair removal is an effectiveand efficient method in that quest and provides andeffective and lasting solution form the problem of unwantedhair. Laser hair removal is a painless and safe method of hairremoval and provides long-term solutions against theunwanted hair on different parts of the body.
Laser Hair Removal is big business in New York City. Laserhair removal is a popular hair removal method for both menas well as women. Several well-known laser clinics in NewYork City offer hair removal treatments. Laser treatment is given for the removal of hair andtattoos. It works on the principle that darker matter suchas hair and tattoos absorb light energy.
The heat of thelight or laser is capable of irradiating the dark matter. Laser hair removal is an expensive hair removal method whencompared to other methods such as plucking, waxing,threading and electrolysis. It is therefore better to havecost comparison of different laser hair removal clinics inNew York City before selecting one for you. Here are the profiles of some popular laser hair removalclinics in New York.Smooth Synergy This laser hair removal clinic is based in Manhattan and isheaded by Dr. George Liakeas.
Dr. Liakeas was trained atthe Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. He isalso affiliated with the Beth Israel Medical Center inManhattan. The address of the center is Smooth Synergy,686, Lexington Avenue (between 56th and 57th), Suite 3N,Manhattan NY 10022.EpiCenters Laser Hair Removal The main hair removal technician at EpiCenters laser hairremoval clinic is Dana Wachter, who graduated from theLeinhard School of Nursing in New York. She also works aspulsed light educator and instructor.
Before EpiCenters,Dana worked at Manhattan Epilight Center. The address is3736 Henry Hudson Parkway, Riverdale, NY 10463.Skin So SmoothMichelle Minick owns Skin So Smooth laser hair removalclinic. She has completed her training from New York City.She specializes in Cynosure Alexandrite laser treatment.The address is 44, Great Neck Road, Great Neck, NY 11021. =======================================================Find out all you need to know about permanent laser hairremoval. Discover latest techniques and ideas foreffective hair removal.
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Rachel Stepsen suffered hair loss from her mid-20's. In aneffort to find treatment, Rachel learned all there is toknow about hair. Although she tried to prevent hair loss,she also learned all about hair removal. She's written aseries of articles to help others learn about hair, andpermanent hair removal
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Laser Hair Removal Maryland
Laser hair removal maryland is a safe and effective method for getting rid of unwanted body hair. It is an economic as well as a time saving process that treats a large area at once. Moreover, it is relatively pain free.Find out your skin type and choose the laser center from amongst the many options available in Maryland. You can remove unwanted hair from your upper lip, chin, legs, underarms, bikini area, chest, neck, etc. Pretty much from anywhere.
Try to get suggestions from those who have been through laser hair removal maryland. You will get the most reliable input from them. Although it may hurt a bit, this method is effective for both males and females.The laser beam that is used in laser hair removal maryland is directed at the hair follicles. The dark pigments in such follicles absorb the laser light energy. As the follicle absorbs more and more energy the follicle dies and can no longer grow hair.
This is more or less a permanent procedure and can make most body areas free of hair within an hour. People with greater contrast respond best to the laser hair removal maryland.Every case being unique the cost of laser hair removal may vary from person to person. There are various centers in Maryland offering such treatment. The American Laser Center and Laser Perfect are just a couple of names. In these centers trained and certified professionals carry out the treatment.
I can tell you for sure that you will be absolutely satisfied by their service. Personal attention and a caring attitude of the experts in these centers will help you do away with all your fears.Different centers for laser hair removal maryland will offer you the best of service to help you look great and also feel good. You can leave all your worries behind by opting for this comfortable, economic and time saving process of removing unwanted body hair..
Laser Hair RemovalDiscover laser hair removal information Articles and resources for prices, cost, and treatments of laser hair removal in cities like New York, Washington DC, Toronto, and Dallas. Visit this site for the best in laser hair removal!!
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By Alexander Gordon
Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (Laser) hair removal is gaining popularity rapidly worldwide. Most of us have our notion about laser hair removal acquired from sources such as books, magazines, and television. Some of them are true and some of them false and exaggerated. Therefore, it is important to understand the science of laser hair removal before actually undergoing the treatment.
Science of Laser Hair Removal:
Laser hair removal uses a laser beam for the purpose of removing body and facial hair. A laser beam refers to a concentrated light beam made up of just one wavelength. This particular beam does not scatter the light rays around, instead focuses all the rays at one particular point. This results in high energy emission. This energy is used for the purpose of heating the surface and burning hair follicles on it to leave smooth skin behind.
Process of Laser Hair Removal:
When a laser beam falls on the skin, it is attracted by the pigments on the hair follicles on that surface. High energy emission from the laser beam heats those follicles and burns them from their roots. If you have very dark hair on your body and wondering if the technology will be able to work wonders on you, be rest assured. The darker the hair color, the better the results because dark surfaces strongly attract the laser beams. There is however one limitation of the technology that it gives excellent result only for fair skinned people. If you are dark in complexion, it is advisable that you opt for another hair removal technique. In the laser technology, you are at the risk of burning the skin along with the surface hair, which could leave your skin blistered. For all the skin types, it is however important to consult a physician regarding skin color and hair before actually undergoing the process.
Starting a Laser Hair Removal Business:
Setting up a laser removal clinic is very easy but you need to have the necessary certification for the same. Especially in Chicago, the land of whipping wind and brisk breeze, where people are crazy about hair removing, you will be welcome. In this city people are very busy and therefore are in constant search for permanent beauty treatments. Laser hair removal technology will appeal the residents as they recognize the technology’s advantages – fast, efficient, and permanent.
Using this technique you can help your clients to get a clean face, chest, neck, underarms, upper lip, back, legs, hands, and bikini line. You can charge your clients around $500 per session. You need to persuade them to visit you at least four to six times, depending on how their body is responding to the treatment.
Alexander Gordon is a writer for - The Small Business Consulting Community. Sign-up for the free success steps newsletter and get our booklet valued at $24.95 for free as a special bonus. The newsletter provides daily strategies on starting and significantly growing a business.
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By Timothy Croy
Historically, hair removal has been one of the most painful tasks that a person must undertake. Think about all of the pain and trauma you go through every time you pluck a nose hair, cut yourself while shaving, or rip the hairs out of their follicles with a waxing. It makes many cringe just to think about pulling out one of their hairs.
But what if you didn’t have to deal with all of that pain anymore? What if there was a better way to remove your hair?
Well, there is and it’s called a laser hair removal system. The newly invented laser hair removal process is a technology that removes hair in a completely painless fashion through the use of lasers. No more pulling, no more waxing. Those days are done, thanks to the new laser hair removal systems that have been developed by doctors and health professionals from around the country.
While this new procedure is not available everywhere just yet, there are a variety of cities that do offer laser hair removal procedures. Among them are Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, and Phoenix. Although other cosmetic treatments may be linked to cities like Los Angeles and New York, Chicago is one of the most prominent places for laser hair removal systems.
Are you interested in learning how laser hair removal works?
When discussing hair removal, the most important thing is that the follicle and the bulb (or root) of the hair is removed. Otherwise the hair will just grow right back. Look at shaving, for example. You just cut the tops off of the hair, allowing it to grow right back the next day, the day after that, and so on.
However, with the laser hair removal process, you don’t need to worry about your hair growing back immediately. The laser focuses its light directly into the hair follicle without causing any damage or pain to your skin. Essentially, the laser vaporizes the follicle, allowing the hair to simply fall out without allowing it to return for weeks, months, or even years on end. The ultra high tech laser hair removal system is a great way to get rid of those bothersome hairs that have been pestering you for far too long.
The laser hair removal system can be a complex, yet effective treatment for unwanted hair.
Learn more about this and the associated costs of laser hair removal at: Laser Hair Removal 101.
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New York Laser Hair Removal Surgery
Surgery for the removal of hair using a laser is a new development. The initial equipment that came into the market for this treatment had problems that led to lawsuits. But continuous research has improved the technology and product line. Most centers for laser hair removal surgery use US Food & Drug Administration (USFDA) approved processes and devices.
The procedure is to focus laser beams at the hair follicles, which absorb the heat through their dark pigmentation and die. The surrounding skin is not affected if it is of a lighter shade than the hair. As we learned in school, dark colors absorb heat and lighter ones do not. A fair-skinned person with black or brown hair would an ideal candidate for this treatment. But newly developed technologies could perhaps manage dark-skinned people also. A respectable laser hair removal clinic would accept a candidate only after carefully studying the skin condition.
Human hair has cyclical growth. Laser surgery is most effective if it is done during the growing phase. It may not be possible to cover all such hair in one session. Therefore, two to six sittings may be required for the desired effect. The sessions may be five or six weeks apart and, depending on the area to be covered, each sitting may need one to two hours.
Anesthesia is not given normally. But some clients do ask for a numbing cream. Generally, the threat of serious side effects is minimal. Reddishness or slight swelling of the treated area may show up. These can be managed with the local application of an appropriate cream
or lotion. One can resume work immediately after the surgery.
The cost differs depending on the area that is involved. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average surgeon fee was $429 per session in 2003.
New York Laser Hair Removal provides detailed information on New York Laser Hair Removal, New York Laser Hair Removal For Men, New York Laser Hair Removal Surgery, Best Laser Hair Removal In New York City and more. New York Laser Hair Removal is affiliated with New York City Helicopter Tours.
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By Nicola Williams
For the most part, laser hair removal is recommended for people with lighter skin because with someone who has darker skin usually requires more treatments in order to permanently remove the hair. Why is this? Well, for someone with dark skin there is more risk of blistering, hypopigmentation, and pain. Think about how hot the blacktop gets in the summertime - with the darkness, the light turns to heat. That is why the laser hair removal treatment for dark skin is so rare, because for someone with dark skin there is a greater risk of injury.
So, if someone with dark skin wants to have a laser hair removal done, are they completely out of luck? Do they have to go with the more expensive and time consuming electrolysis treatment to get rid of their unwanted facial hair? The answer is no. But they do need to take precautions.
They need to find a specialist that knows what the risks are for using laser hair removal for dark skin are, and what precautions they will have to take. They will more than likely use a ND: Yag laser, which is one of the newer lasers on the market and is safe for use with all skin types, no matter how light or dark they are.
Those who have dark skin and are considering laser hair removal should also know that there is a very good chance that it will take more treatments for the hair removal to become permanent. This is because there is a different kind of laser being used, one that is not as concentrated and focused on the skin. This is to keep you safe but it also means that the laser isn't able to get as close as other lasers are on people with lighter skin. The lasers used on people with lighter skin have a beam that is considerably shorter.
So if you are considering laser hair removal for dark skin, don't give up hope and don't lose heart, just be aware of the possible risks involved, and be prepared for the possibility that you will need to go for more treatments in order to make the hair removal permanent.
Don't get laser hair removal until you know the facts! For everything you need to know about laser hair removal please visit
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Laser hair removal is a technique popularly used nowadays by many people who wish to remove unwanted hair from their body. Laser Hair removal is considered an effective treatment of unwanted hair, as it guarantees "hair-free" time on your body. Though conventional laser treatments do not remove unwanted hair off your body permanently, permanent hair removal is possible by the use of multiple laser treatments.
Let’s look at the preparation process for laser hair removal before we could understand the side effects of laser hair removal. A laser hair removal session is generally preceded by a meeting with your doctor to discuss the implications of the hair removal technique. The discussion focuses on your medical history with the doctor informing you of the benefits and risks of the treatment. Point to note is - Most of the laser hair removal treatments work on short and visible hair.
What are the side effects of Laser Hair Removal technique?
• Blistering and Discoloration – One must ensure that if any tan products or sunless tanning products are used, their effects need to fade away completely before the laser hair removal treatment commences. Presence of a tan during the laser treatment increases your chances of side effects such as Blistering and Discoloration.
• Hyper pigmentation – The LASER technique involves simulated emission of high energy rays which are focused on the part of the body where the hair removal technique must be implemented. Since the rays are high energy, focusing them on a part of the body may cause extreme heat to be locally generated, resulting in the skin getting darkened. Though, this is a temporary side effect, there have been cases where this side effect is permanent and long lasting.
• Hypo pigmentation – This side effect is visibly observed with people having darker skin. Laser hair removal works to a good effect with the "fairer" section but if certain procedures are not followed while treating people with darker skin, it can result in the problem of Hypo Pigmentation.
• Hair changes – Two to three days before the Laser treatment procedure, the "patient" is advised to shave the area which requires treatment, and allow hair to grow into a stubble. Once that is done, laser rays are focused on the area to start the hair removal process. The most obvious changes observed in the hair color and texture are – The hair color is finer and lighter and in some cases, new hair grow in areas adjacent to the areas which have been treated. Doctors have found a fix to this by subjecting the surrounding areas to multiple laser treatments which seem to cure the problem.
• Other side effects like crusting or scabbing occur due to laser hair removal.
The many side effects of laser hair removal technique should not discourage you from opting for this form of treatment. Remember, laser hair removal is a highly effective technique to remove unwanted hair. One just needs to consult a doctor before the treatment and follow some post treatment precautions.
If you're thinking about laser hair removal as an option to remove unwanted hair, you should educate yourself about the side effects of laser hair removal.
Find out more: Laser Hair Removal
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By Eddie Tribiana
Are you annoyed of having to shave, tweeze, or wax unwanted body hair and have it return only after a couple of days? Now there’s a way to remove unwanted body hair in the speed of light. The method is called laser hair removal. With laser hair removal, that unwanted body hair will be removed and will have long-term if not permanent results.
How does laser hair removal work?
Laser hair removal works by emitting a light directly to the hair follicle where the hair originates. The intense heat from the light damages the hair follicle which inhibits the hair from growing back. Repeated treatments might be necessary for a long-term of hair free period.
How long is the waiting period in between treatments?
Usually between 3 – 6 weeks is needed in between treatments, other times it could be between 6 – 8 weeks. The reason for this waiting period is that you would want to target the hair follicle growth at each stage to maximize the effect of the laser.
How to find a doctor?
There are many different ways to search for a doctor. You can search for a doctor through the phone book or online. There are many different online directories that provide contacts to doctors who perform hair removal procedures and other interesting articles, one of which is Hair Removal 411
Hair Removal Procedure
Before actually receiving your first hair removal treatment, you would meet with your doctor to receive a consultation. During this meeting, the doctor will discuss the treatment options with you and give you a general understanding as to expect from the procedure.
After your consultation, your doctor may be able to perform the procedure if time is allotted. It is advisable to shave the area that you want the hair removed from prior to your treatments. If the area is not shaved prior to the procedure, the doctor will shave the body hair which will extend your appointment.
Prior to the procedure, you will be given some goggles to protect you from any damage the laser light may induce. A silicon type gel is then applied to the area that is to be treated. The laser light tip is then applied to the area that is to be treated and is done in graphed sections. During the course of the procedure, you may smell something burning, this is normal. The burning smell is the scent of your hair being singed from the laser light. Throughout the procedure, you will feel a bit of a sting as the laser light is applied to the area to be treated. The sting is comparable to a sting of a snapped rubber band against your skin.
After the procedure, some aloe vera is applied to the treated area, and a cold pack is applied to reduce any swelling that may occur, based on the skin’s sensitivity after your treatment.
Post Treatment Instructions
After your treatment, your skin may be a little red and swollen; this is completely normal and can be treated using a cold pack and aloe vera. You will want to avoid direct sun exposure to the treated area for a couple of weeks since your skin will be a little more sensitive due to the treatment. Avoid strenuous exercise, perspiration may increase irritation. Last but not least, try not to pluck or pick at the singed hair or any hair that may grow in between treatments. It may be tempting, but for the best results, do not agitate or scrub the treated area. Avoid exfoliating while in taking a bath or shower.
Article Provided by: Eddie Tribiana
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By Steve Valentino
With the rapid growth of laser hair removal centers, competition has spawned a number of clinics that offer services for a lot less than standard costs. In fact, the offers they come up with are at times preposterous. However, there are some clinics that stay true to their word and actually give good treatment for a little money. Here are two examples.
American Laser Centers, a group of laser hair removal clinics in Arizona, offer services at bargain costs. Their treatment is quite effective; in fact they offer a two-year guarantee after the final treatment. Their methods seem modern and reliable. If there is re-growth of hair in the area of treatment before the two-year period, then the centre removes it free of charge.
Affordable Laser Hair Clinic in Arizona is another laser hair removal center that offers minimal prices for their treatments. The prices are calculated per treatment, and they rarely use more than five treatments on a patient.
However, established laser hair removal clinics and centers with good reputations hardly ever offer any discount fees. Patients generally rely upon their expertise and know-how and are willing to part with the money for treatments. It is advisable to look for the affordable laser hair removal center with a proven track record rather than opt for one with the lowest cost. Clinics that exclusively cater to laser treatments, rather than those renting salon spaces, provide their clients with the guarantee of individual attention, experience and a competent, caring, professional staff.
Laser Hair Removal provides detailed information on Laser Hair Removal, Affordable Laser Hair Removal, Laser Hair Removal Costs, Laser Hair Removal Machines and more. Laser Hair Removal is affiliated with Permanent Hair Removal.
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By Judy Wellsworth
As the industry of laser hair removal grows more and more and people become interested by all these new methods of having unsightly hair removed from their body, it is only natural that more experts are required: just imagine the ever growing industry, with more spas, more advanced machines and better trained staff. But some things cannot be caught up on the way, so laser hair removal schools have been started.
With Baby Steps
The most important thing the students learn is not the maneuvering of the tools but the suitability of the treatment for every potential client. Safety is the main concern and one should go to laser hair removal treatment centers to achieve a smooth hairless skin, and not an inflamed and smarting one, due to the lack of appropriateness. For example, a person with blonde fair hair and light complexion is not a good candidate for laser hair removal, because of the way laser works: it doesn’t determine the location of the pigments since they are hardly visible and mainly hurts the skin, while a person with the same complexion but with dark contrasting hair is an ideal one.
Another thing they have to learn at laser hair removal schools is the usage of the tools, which is not that complicated since it involves skill and practice: nowadays, the lasers are used at a wide scale, and all the methods and devices have been proven to be safe and sound, whereas in the past, many experiments and improvements have been done to adapt the laser technology for a sector as mundane as hair removal: it actually started with an accident, when in 1972, a specialist that worked with laser had a portion of his skin cleared of hair; this lead to subsequent success and development of the idea, until today when laser hair removal schools have been initiated.
As the term might offend the men that use this type of treatment, laser hair removal procedure is a beautifying technique that uses fancy equipment: however, no matter how trained the assistant is at one of the laser hair removal schools, a doctor is still needed around to supervise the entire process and to assess the good flow . The doctor has to be a professional in the field himself in order to make sure of the quality of the service offered by the assistant.
What Does This Button Do?
Plain pure logic requires students at laser hair removal schools to learn how the laser machines work and all the tools needed: the technology is based on intense light, with specific wavelengths that penetrate the skin and damage the hair and the root. As people have follicles have hair that have rested inactive within the surface of the skin, more treatments are imposed. After ten to twenty days, the hair will fall on its own, and after three to six sessions, the hair will not grow at all, thus achieving the permanency of smooth skin. The worst could happen is a mildly reddened surface, but the result are contenting and worthy of the money invested, that is, if the client has been selected after the analysis of his skin and after the former student of laser hair removal schools ahs decided that he is a good candidate.
You can also find more info on hair removal costs and hair removal laser. is a comprehensive resource to know more about Laser Removing.
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By Nicola Williams
If you have some unwanted hair and you are looking into having it removed by a method other than shaving, dilapatory cream, or waxing, you are probably considering either laser hair removal or electrolysis. So, the laser hair removal vs electrolysis debate begins.
Before you choose either of these methods, it's a good idea to research both of them and find out exactly what each procedure entails before making an appointment. Let's take a look at electrolysis first.
Electrolysis hair removal
Electrolysis is the more painful and time consuming of the two procedures. Electrolysis has been used for many years to remove unwanted hair of all colors from the bodies of different people, men and women alike. But it's very time consuming because a needle is placed in each hair follicle that is to be removed with the hair shaft. Once the needle is in, the hair is tweezed, and at the same time an electrical impulse is sent through the needle. Then the electrologist removes the shaft of hair.
Of course, there are pros and cons to everything. The good thing about electrolysis is that it is permanent and can be done on any color hair. The cons, of course, is that it is painful and takes a very long time. Depending on the size of the area where the hair is being removed, it may take more than on session.
Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal, on the other hand, takes only a few minutes to do because a large area can be done at once. There is also considerably less pain involved with laser hair removal than there is with electrolysis, but the downside is although it saves you time in that it takes so much less time to do it, it's not permanent like electrolysis is, so you may have to go back several times Laser hair removal is also usually done on dark hair.
When it comes right down to it, laser hair removal vs electrolysis is really a personal decision. It depends on how much time you have, whether you want it to be permanent or not, and how much you are willing to spend.
Take into account all of these factors and talk to people who have had both procedures done to them, so that you can get an idea of what to expect. Then you can make an informed decision.
Don't Get Laser Hair Removal Without Doing Your Homework! It May Not Be Right For You.
To Learn More About Laser Hair Removal Costs And Facial Laser Hair Removal visit
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By Steve Valentino
It is interesting to note that almost 50 percent of laser hair removal clients are men. Men see lasers as being the perfect alternative to shaving or waxing when it comes to removing unwanted hair from the back, chest and legs. Other hair removal methods can be quite costly, time consuming and painful. Laser hair removal removes large amounts of hair with one laser “pulse” and with relatively little pain.
Laser hair removal can permanently take off unwanted back hair. A “pulse” or shot of laser light takes care of the hair in the growth or “anagen” stage in less than a second. One laser pulse can treat an area the size of a coin. The complete removal of back hair could take about an hour. With a session every six weeks, after eight or so sittings, permanent hair removal from the back area can be achieved. A laser hair removal session could cost around $750. Prices differ broadly because of the varying amounts of hair in different clients. A client has to pay around $5,500 for the total treatment. Eventually, not only will permanent hair removal be achieved, but also time and money will be saved.
Laser is also a popular alternative for the removal of unwanted chest hair. Each treatment will take roughly an hour, and after five or six treatments, the results are more than satisfactory. Hair removal through laser use is the best way to go, especially when you consider the painful alternative of having to wax the hair off every six weeks. Electrolysis is another option, but the treatment could last a long time, and the cost can be exorbitant. Electrolysis takes about a hundred hours to treat the back area. There is also quite a bit of pain involved in electrolysis. In comparison, there is less pain with laser hair removal and it only takes about an hour to treat the back.
Laser hair removal treatment can get rid of unwanted hair on the face and legs. A session could take an hour and half, and the client can achieve permanent hair reduction after four to eight sittings.
Laser Hair Removal provides detailed information on Laser Hair Removal, Affordable Laser Hair Removal, Laser Hair Removal Costs, Laser Hair Removal Machines and more. Laser Hair Removal is affiliated with Permanent Hair Removal.
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By Judy Wellsworth
When one develops a business, he considers not what he has to offer solely, but what is needed in a particular place: he will not sell parkas for example, to the inhabitants of the Sahara desert. Consequently, where better could laser hair removal establish itself, than in the cosmopolitan area of New York? It is a perfect place for all chic and neat New Yorkers, and not only. Available for everyone, Laser hair removal New York clinics offer the same quality and services as any other center, to foreigners or inhabitants of the Manhattan Island.
High Class at Low Rates
Laser hair removal New York clinics are scattered all around the city and island of Manhattan, due to the ever growing clientele that needs to have the undesired hair removed from all kinds of places, depending on the temperature outside, of course. Since the climate changes have affected surreptitiously the weather and our lives, sun is burning now in New York more than ever, which invites in dearly the summer dresses, short women skirts, or men shorts. Surely one cannot go to a cooling swimming pool with repelling stray hairs on the back or on the legs?
As more and more people are attracted by Laser hair removal New York centers, the prices drop, and the decrease of the rates has been certified by numberless satisfied clients that got the worth of the money along with an effective permanent treatment. The devices become more user-friendly and the need for costly doctors that charge exorbitant fees is no longer imposed. A simple very well trained assistant at one of the profile-schools can solve the problem effectively, since the machines are doing most of the work.
Best of the Best
Who could foresee that such a royal treatment meant for movie stars and high class could reach the pockets of the normal, hard working people? Indeed, everyone can afford with a bit of effort and dedication to go to one of these clinics: Laser Cosmetica, Gentle Touch Laser, or Azure Day Spa, or to their affiliate centers in the city. The principal clinics are located in Manhattan so if you put your mind to it and want to have a perfect treatment, you should go and see for yourself the quality these spas and salons have to offer in matter of laser hair removal.
For instance, Laser Cosmetica is spread in distinct spots in New York, with a clinic in Manhattan, one in Long Island and another in Weschester: is a well known place to get laser hair removal in New York and have an effective treatment with a three-year guarantee. As the equipment employed is the latest in the business, and the personnel very experienced and highly trained, one can be sure of his subsequent satisfaction after having gone to Laser Cosmetica.
Another well known company in the industry is Gentle Touch Laser, and it is as good as its name: the lack of pain and all the comfort in the world is assured in any of the six locations in New York, along with the same certificate of three-year guaranteed service, and ultra-new tools and equipment. New York, here I come!
You can also find more info on hair removal laser and removal reviews laser. is a comprehensive resource to know more about Laser Removing.
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With so many choices, narrowing your search down to just one Long
Island laser hair removal clinic or spa can be challenging.
Long Island is home to around eight million people with many wanting to maintain a youthful look. In fact, if you look around the entire country, the number of people using hair laser removal treatments is growing. Therefore, Long Island is no different. People typically want to do all they can to look and feel the best possible. For some, getting rid of excessive or unwanted hair is one way to accomplish that.
Although competition among jobs is strong all over, it is especially competitive in New York. In this state, you would find top designers, world-renowned modeling agencies, theater professionals, Fortune 500 businesspeople, and the list goes on.
All of these people are doing what they can to stay on top of the game. With services provided by a Long Island laser hair removal clinic or spa, an individual can look younger, enjoying smoother skin.
This relatively painful procedure produces long-lasting and permanent hair reduction. In addition to the beauty aspect of laser treatments, this option is also beneficial for preventing ingrown hair. Many people struggle with this problem, which can cause great irritation to the skin. In fact, ingrown hairs can lead to infection and pain. By visiting a Long Island laser hair removal, the problem can be resolved, quickly, and easily.
During laser treatment, a concentrated light from the equipment is actually absorbed into the skin pigmentation. This light then penetrates and destroys the hair residing within the follicle. Keep in mind that unlike shaving or old methods for hair removal, laser treatments targets just the hair and not the skin. However, to ensure this is what happens, the person at the Long Island laser hair removal clinic or spa must be appropriate trained and licensed. Otherwise, you could be putting yourself at risk.
Although millions of people have experienced successful laser hair removal treatment, some have greater outcomes than other people do. For instance, the surrounding skin should be lighter than the hair. For this reason, people of darker skin and those with light hair do not achieve results as high as someone with light skin and dark hair would.
To determine if you are a good candidate, you would need to go through a consultation. In fact, as you do research to find the right clinic or spa, if a consultation is not provided – leave! Typically, any Long Island laser hair removal business would provide this consultation free of charge in anticipation of securing your business. Additionally, while a small number of people will have results with just one treatment, most need between two and four, although sometimes, it takes up to nine for optimal results.
Dion Semeniuk has taken the time and research to learn what is all involved in laser hair removal. To learn more, visit the Laser Hair Removal website.
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By Timothy Croy
Although cities like Los Angeles and New York are the capitols of a variety of cosmetic and plastic surgeries, Chicago has a speciality of its own - laser hair removal. You see, unlike the other cities throughout America, Chicago laser hair removal is world renowned as one of the best places to go if you have excess hair that you want to get rid of. Doctors and other health professionals have pioneered technique after technique for laser hair removal in Chicago - putting it on the map for hair removal using this brand new, high tech, procedure.
Chicago laser hair removal centers are so good at what they do because they use the best possible equipment and the latest techniques. Unfortunately, they also charge quite a bit of money for their services. But you wouldn’t want to pay a discounted price for heart surgery - so why would you want to cheap out on your laser hair removal procedure? The last thing you want are patches of rogue hairs in the areas where they were supposed to be removed, or damaged skin as a result of a faulty or poorly maintained laser system.
But because you choose to use a Chicago laser hair removal center for your hair removal treatment - you don’t have to worry about any of those problems arising. The vast majority of laser hair removal specialists in Chicago are well trained in using their lasers, only work the the best equipment, and are willing to work with you through any unforeseen problems that may arise as a result of the procedure. That’s what makes Chicago laser hair removal centers so well known throughout the world.
So you are probably wondering which laser hair removal specialists you should visit in Chicago. There certainly are a few to choose from, but it ultimately depends on how much you are willing to spend and the quality of treatment you want. However, here are a few front runners that you should look into: American Laser Centers, Hair Today Gone Tomorrow, and Dr. Sami Bittar. No matter which Chicago laser hair removal center you visit, be sure to ask plenty of questions during the orientation and you will find that the treatment will go much more smoothly.
Chicago laser hair removal continues to reign supreme as the premiere location for laser hair removal.
Learn more this procedure or laser hair removal equipment at:
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By Ciara McNamara
For decades in this country men and women alike have been in search of the best way to remove hair and keep it off. A smooth, hairless body seems to be a trend that is here to stay as people are discovering its benefits and how easy it can really be to maintain such a look. Whether suffering from the excessive hair growth of hirsutism or simply looking to keep unwanted hair off, there are many methods, but none quite as long lasting and easy as laser hair removal New Jersey.
How Laser Hair Removal Works
Laser hair removal can be as specific and targeted as the few stray hairs on the eyebrows. At the same time it can remove hair from large areas such as the back and legs. The specific, targeted beam of light can zoom in on the roots of hair anywhere. This light then deadens the root causing the hair to fall out and not grow back.
Laser hair removal treatments are generally done in ½ hour to 45 minute sessions. Sometimes it takes 3 or more sessions to completely kill the roots of the whole area where hair removal is wanted.
After a laser treatment session, the skin may be a little red or irritated, but this usually goes away within a short time. The process is so non-evasive that you can return back to work. It makes going on your lunch hour or before work a viable option.
The Benefits of Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal is permanent as soon as the individual hair root is deadened. This makes the process one of the most desirable hair removal systems for many people who don’t ever want the hair to grow back.
Laser hair removal is also able to complete this task over large areas of the skin. Men often want a hairless chest or back and women often remove hair from their legs - - both large areas and often too painstaking for waxing, tweezing, or removing with an epilator.
The laser technology associated with this form of hair removal is safe and effective for unwanted hair anywhere. It can be used to remove female pubic hair in place of bikini waxing, sugaring, or crème hair removers. It works on armpits, eyebrows or individual stray hairs that may form on the face, breasts, and abdomen.
Caring for Skin After Laser Removal
Skin may be slightly red and a little sensitive following the laser removal procedure. This will go away quickly and painlessly.
Laser removal of hair does not affect tanning. You will still get the same quality of suntan as before being exposed to a laser, although you should not tan immediately following the procedure since skin will be highly sensitive to sunlight for a short time after laser treatment.
Apply cosmetics will be save also after a laser treatment. Laser hair removal doesn’t usually dry skin, but you may want to choose a cosmetic with a moisturizer just to keep skin radiant and healthy looking.
About The Author
Ciara McNamara publishes for the information source at The writer is publishing on issues like laser hair removal new jersey ( )
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By Judy Wellsworth
After years of endless waxing, depilatory applications, tweezing, and shaving, many people have had enough of trying to control their unwanted body hair and turn to electrolysis and laser hair removal to end their struggles for good.
Electrolysis is the practice of using tiny needles to insert probes into the follicles producing the excessive hair, without actually going into the skin. When the probes are positioned, an electrical current passes through the follicle, destroying both the growing hair and its root. When performed properly, electrolysis will permanently remove the hair.
Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal, on the other hand, uses no probes; laser hair removal employs extremely powerful beams of light too target and penetrate groups of hair follicles, heating their interiors and destroying their hair producing abilities.
Advances in laser hair removal have made it an option for many more people; it is no longer limited to fair-complected individuals who wanted their dark hair removed. Laser hair removal is now effective on those with other kinds of unwanted hair problems. Laser Hair Removal
Similarities And Differences
Both electrolysis and laser hair removal are highly effective hair removal techniques and can bring much needed relief to those for whom unwanted hair is an ongoing embarrassment. Both electrolysis and laser hair removal are expensive procedures, but for those whose enjoyment of life has been compromised by excessive hair, they can be worth every nickel.
The major difference between electrolysis and laser hair removal that electrolysis is used to treat a single hair follicle at a time, and therefore is a very labor-intensive and time consuming process. Using electrolysis to remove hair over a large area of skin will often require several treatments.
Laser hair removal, on the other hand, can target dozens hundreds of follicles simultaneously, and for small procedures may only require a single session. But there is another equally significant difference in the two methods.
Although electrolysis required each hair follicle to be treated separately, no treated follicle must be revisited. Electrolysis destroys a follicle permanently. Laser hair removal will stop hair for several months or even years, but eventually the follicles will begin growing hair again and require further treatments.
Electrolysis and laser hair removals both have significant price tags, but they are also the best methods available for those who want a long-term solution to their unwanted hair problems. While electrolysis treatments normally run between $50 and $70 an hour, laser hair removal is priced by the treatment, and an average treatment costs around $2500. The total cost of an electrolysis or laser hair removal procedure will depend on the number of individual sessions required to achieve the desire results.
You can also find more info on removing unwanted hair and removing unwanted hair. is a comprehensive resource to know about Electrolysis.
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By Judy Wellsworth
For residents of northern New York, or even for those who are planning a stay in the upper New York area, an opportunity to get rid of unwanted facial and body hair for good awaits. The town of Bayport, New York, offers electrolysis hair removal, and electrolysis in Bayport has become a big draw for Baby Boomers from around the region who want to improve their appearance for both professional and personal reasons.
Having electrolysis in Bayport will allow those whose already frenetic lifestyles are made more complicated by repetitious temporary hair removal procedures to put a permanent end to their excessive hair problems. No more waxing, tweezing, depilatories, or twice-daily shaves. Electrolysis in Bayport will allow those who undergo it to find much better use for the time and money they had previously spent on hair removal.
Both certified dermatologists and licensed electrolysis practitioners are available to perform electrolysis in Bayport. Those who are coming to the town of Bayport for the first time will realize that the town’s atmosphere is one of sophistication and that only the best electrolysis practitioners will succeed there.
Electrolysis Practitioners In Bayport
If you are considering electrolysis in Bayport, you can begin by visiting Hair Free and Carefree, whose technicians are known for the exceptional quality of the service they provide to their clients. Hair Free and Carefree electrolysis in Bayport offers exceptional value and its first-time clients receive free consultations to determine their skin types and hair density.
They are then given a no-charge five minute electrolysis treatment, allowing them to experience electrolysis in Bayport for themselves. By offering the free session, Hair Free and Carefree gives prospective clients the chance to decide if full electrolysis in Bayport would be too uncomfortable. If they decide to proceed, they will be given an appointment for their first full session. Hair Free and Carefree will also give clients an estimate of how many electrolysis in Bayport treatments it will take to get them the hair removal results they want.
There are also many dermatologists in Bayport who are qualified and experienced in electrolysis hair removal. Having electrolysis in Bayport performed by a dermatologist, however, will usually cost about thirty percent more than having it done at a salon like Hair Free and Carefree.
The availability of highly trained professionals to perform your electrolysis in Bayport is a terrific reason to make the trip. You’ll return home delighted with your new smooth skin, and every time you look in the mirror, remember your trip to Bayport with gratitude!
You can also find more info on hair removal laser and professional electrolysis treatments. is a comprehensive resource to know about Electrolysis.
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By Nat Williams
Ingrown hairs in pubic region is caused by pubic hair that curls back or grows sideways into the skin. In most cases, pubic hair grows out perfectly from pubic hair follicles but when ingrown hairs clog up the hair follicles, pimples may develop along with redness of the surrounding skin. Pubic pimples, like all other types of pimples, are painful, itchy and may leave permanent scars if you are not careful.
What Causes Ingrown Hairs in the Pubic Region?
Shaving the pubic region with an unsuitable pubic shaver is the number one cause of ingrown hairs in the pubic region because most people never bother to purchase a proper shaver that does not cause irritation to the skin at the pubic region. Ingrown hairs can also be developed when hair is cut off below the skin during waxing and tweezing.
Other causes of ingrown pubic hair include:
• Tight undergarments or pants
• Dry skin
• Course, curly or stiff hair
• Pubic hair follicles that are blocked with oil or dead skin cells
How Do I Get Rid of the Ingrown Hairs in the Pubic Region?
A well-known and effective home treatment for ingrown hairs that I know of involves the use of a hot cloth or hot compress on the affected region to reduce inflammation. After applying the hot material on your ingrown pubic hair for a couple of minutes, pubic hair beneath the skin should soften and rise above the skin. If the hair does not surface, try again in a few hours or another day as it may not have grown long enough but never ever attempt to squeeze or dig the hair out as this may cause bleeding and permanent scarring.
Sterilize a pair of tweezers and use it to remove any tiny bit of ingrown hair on the surface of your skin. Once you are done, thoroughly wash your pubic region, dry it with a towel and apply a layer of antiseptic cream to prevent infections.
If the pulling out of ingrown hairs doesn't sound very appealing to you, you may purchase some hair removal cream from your dermatologist or pharmacy that is capable of dissolving ingrown pubic hairs below your skin without irritating the skin in your pubic region.
3 Precautions During Your Recovery Period
It is important that you avoid wearing any tight undergarments or pants until all your ingrown hairs have completely healed. If you discover that you tend to develop ingrown pubic hairs just by wearing tight clothes, I suggest that you purchase clothes made of softer fabrics or totally scrapping tight clothes from your wardrobe to prevent ingrown hairs.
Skin exfoliation with a shower sponge is big no no when you have ingrown pubic hair. Scrubbing your sensitive skin when you have pubic pimples will only make them worse. There are specialized waxing products for the removal of ingrown pubic hairs. However, you must not use them on your pubic region if you have pubic pimples.
Visit Natalie's web site to discover how you may prevent ingrown pubic hair and have a better pubic hair removal experience with her tips and tricks.
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By Vidula Chopra
Read on for a quick run-through of various hair-removal methods, and select the options that work best for you. Often, a combination of various methods is the best bet.
Waxing is a very widely used method of hair removal here in India. It is very convenient as one needs just do it once a month or so. In addition, there are a number of women who readily come to your home, charge very nominally, and wax your body quickly and efficiently. The advantages of waxing are that as opposed to shaving or using a cream, hair grows back much slower. This is because the hair is removed from the roots.
However, if your skin is sensitive you may not be able to wax, as you may develop boils on certain areas of your skin. You may also develop in-growths when the hair grows out, leading to rough skin. But not everyone has these issues. If waxing works for your skin, it is an efficient, hassle-free method of hair removal.
Threading is best when used on smaller areas, and is often used to remove hair on the upper lip. It is also used to remove excessive hair around eyebrows, and define them. You can thread your upper lip yourself, but don’t try and thread around eyebrows, as you may ruin the shape, causing one eye to look bigger than the other! You can also remove excessive forehead hair by threading. But if this causes pimples, don’t do it.
The face is very sensitive, and if you have a lot of hair on your face, it makes sense to wax sideburns, thread upperlip and eyebrows, and bleach the rest of your face. Don’t pull out hair from all over your face as you may develop a rash. Bleach it if your skin is light. Remember that bleach does contain chemicals, and is not necessarily gentle on your skin. Make sure you moisturise your face regularly, especially if you bleach, and reapply bleach only after a minimum of fifteen days have passed since your last application.
Laser is a great permanent solution to get rid of body hair. It is especially suited for areas where it is not easy to use other methods of hair removal. If you have a lot of hair on your back, and are not able to wax it because you develop boils, a good option would be to try using laser. You could of course choose to remove hair from all over your body with the help of laser, but it is expensive. But before ruling out this method, speak to a clinic that offers this services and find out about any packages they may be offering. You can even try a single session to dramatically reduce the hair from a certain area - but this will not work if you want every single hair removed. Laser is great for a hairy back or shoulders, and just a single session may reduce the hair dramatically. Any re-growth may not be as noticeable.
Hair removal creams
Hair removal creams contain harsh chemicals, and are often believed to cause darkening of the skin when used over a prolonged period. But these make good options when you want to expose a certain body part and need to remove hair gently. For example if you need to wear a lehenga at a wedding and your belly will be exposed, you can use a hair-removal cream as a one-off solution.
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Author is an expert in beauty and health related issues.
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by: Al Falaq Arsendatama
Not all laser hair removal systems are the same. Each one has some or the other unique feature. Hence, it’s crucial to gain knowledge about this amazing technology before you make a decision.
The Rosy Side of Hair Removal System
• It’s totally safe, IF done by a trained specialist.
• The results are long lasting. Some people have even reported to have had a permanent removal of hair through this system.
• It can be done on large surface areas such as back, chest, and legs.
• In case you have a re-growth after undergoing this system, the hair will be finer and lighter in texture.
• It’s a painless system as compared to electrolysis and waxing systems of hair removal.
The Thorny Side of Hair Removal System
What is the biggest concern of people who plan to opt for laser hair removal? Side effects, of course! Well, to tell you the truth - there ARE side effects of this system. However, it happens in RARE cases, and in other cases, the effects are temporary and nothing to panic about.
Possible Side Effects of Hair Removal System
• HYPER PIGMENTATION – this is a commonly noticed effect. You can see white or dark spots on the area. It disappears within 30 days. This occurs to those who have a highly sensitive skin.
• SUN EXPOSURE – you should know that the degree of side effects depends on how much you expose your skin to the sun or photo-sensitizing medications. So, guys, if you are fond of tanning your skin regularly, then this system may not work for you. You will have to avoid tanning beds for several months or more before you go for this hair removal remedy.
Risks of Hair Removal System
It’s vital to be aware of the risks involved with this system before you surrender your skin to those piercing laser beams.
• Your skin may get burnt or discolored by laser beams. This happens when the doctor is NOT qualified enough. Therefore, ALWAYS GO TO A REPUTED AND HIGHLY COMPETENT HAIR REMOVAL CLINIC.
• Your skin may swell or redden for some time. However, you need not use medication or bandages. It’s not that severe.
• You may get a stinging sensation for the first 2 days of undergoing the treatment.
• In some cases, there is a mild crusting of skin. If this happens, keep the entire area damp constantly. Almost all doctors recommend Vaseline for this.
Be well-informed before you go for laser hair removal system.
Click here to find out the procedures for permanent laser hair removal. Learn about the cost of laser hair removal and compare which treatment suits your budget. Check out also painless hair removal at low cost.
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